-for the long-haul-

nutrition forms
Please ask to join the group “Meals by Megan May–Customers and friends” on Facebook for healthy and sustainable habit building, nutrition tips, updates regarding meals, and more!
We ALL struggle with food. What to eat, when, why etc.. Most want that quick fix, the one with the powders, bars, ALL the supplements. ANYTHING that says “LOSE ____weight in
30-60-90 days with THIS” –It’s just so tempting to try right? Then maybe you do lose that weight in 1-3 months, can you maintain it and continue eating the same thing? How do you figure out what to do after 90 days? Have you restricted yourself SO much so that you can’tstop eating junk? Now you’ve gained the weight back that you lost, and MORE. Three months go by and you want to do the challenge again. You do the same thing while expecting different
results. Hmmm
Does this sound familiar?
What about as an athlete, you are constantly on the go—wake up, hit the gym for some weight training & plyometrics, go to work, then the track in the afternoon for some interval training &
shortly after, sports practice. By the time practice rolls around you’re fatigued, brain is foggy and already sore from your AM training session. This might be a little extreme BUT it happens. I
remember my college field hockey days when we practiced in the AM—weight trained afternoon and maybe we had another practice in the evening. Those days are terrible if you aren’t fueled properly.
Even if you are a recreational athlete—you probably want to see some progress in performance, but you won’t if your nutrition & recovery is not based off of your individual needs/lifestyle.
Maybe you aren’t interested in the quick fix & you don’t really care to see progress in the gym. You move and do what makes you feel good in that aspect and are only concerned about not knowing what to eat. This is a very real thing as well. There is a lot to be said about just NOT knowing what is good for you or what might be some better options. We live in a world where cereal box labels now have-in bold capital letters- “with added PROTEIN”… well come on now, I know that’s garbage, but a lot of people do not.
So, with all of that being said, I want to help you figure out how to eat based off of YOUR individual needs. We start by discussing your daily life—then go from there! It is not a short process, it’s long and that is what makes it interesting. You will get to know your body better through trial and error & hopefully enjoy the process along the way.
I will guide you, help hold you accountable, support you etc. BUT I can’t actually put it into action FOR YOU, that is most definitely your job. And PLEASE, no complaining OR excuses. Life in general is tough, we all struggle BUT If you really want this for yourself, then believe you can achieve it and contact me today!
I have this desire, this PASSION to help/encourage a healthier way to live through not only the services that I offer but also how I chose to live.
Join me, it’ll be tough, but fun!
Stay well,